The openSUSE KDE team wants to dedicate some time on KDE bugs before openSUSE 11.1 gets released, focusing on reported KDE bugs on bugzilla.novell.com inviting the community to take part of it.
Let's stamp out bugs in KDE for openSUSE 11.1! The openSUSE KDE team is holding a Bug Squashing event to work the KDE bugs reported in bugzilla.novell.com. You can be a part of a bug-free KDE!
The openSUSE KDE Bug Squashing event is scheduled September 20 through September 21 (right after openSUSE 11.1 Beta1 release), and the main goal is to have zero bugs!
In order of priority, we have the following list:
- Find duplicated bugs, and obviously close then as DUPLICATE;
- Non openSUSE KDE bugs (KDE upstream bugs) should be:
- Reported on bugs.kde.org (if not yet);
- Added the upstream bug URL to the URL field on bugzilla.novell.com;
- Closed as UPSTREAM (resolution field).
- Filter KDE 4.0 bug reports and try to reproduce them on KDE 4.1:
- If you can't reproduce close them as WORKSFORME and leave a comment as it was most probably fixed on KDE 4.1;
- If you still can reproduce them, try to investigate why/how that happens (eg: step-by-step on how to reproduce) and state it's still reproducible;
- Same as above but for KDE 4.1 - taking in consideration the quicklydevelopment of KDE4 it's really easy that those bugs reported have beenfixed meanwhile.
- Help providing info for bugs marked as NEEDINFO
- Set priority for bugs with Priority = P5(None).
- Explore KDE3 and KDE 4.1 looking for bugs. See if KDE3 ones are fixed for KDE4. Bug report them.
Note: Bug squashers should start from higher severity/priority bug reports to lower ones.
To successfully achieve all these tasks, the openSUSE KDE team needs as many people as possible. All you need to help is one (or more) of the following to help us with debugging:
- An updated openSUSE 11.0 or openSUSE 11.1 system
- KDE 3.5.10 installed from KDE:KDE3 OBS repository
- KDE 4.1 installed from KDE:KDE4:Factory:Desktop OBS repository
During the event the community will be in the #opensuse-kde channel on irc.freenode.org to help you out in whatever you might need. The openSUSE KDE mailing list is also a great way to communicate with the KDE community.
See the openSUSE KDE Bug Squashing Days page for more and updated information at
http://en.opensuse.org/KDE/Bug_Slashing/20080920Have a lot of... openSUSE KDE Bug Squashing Days! ;-)